Module-level declarations
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struct module_args
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function empty_storefront(storefront_griddable_id: integer, storefront_location_x: integer, storefront_location_y: integer)
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function handle_burn_asset(instance: instance, amount: integer, account_id: byte_array, nonburnable: list<instance?>)
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operation claim_output_on(crafting_station: crafting_station, account_id: byte_array, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array, timestamp: integer)
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operation finalize_user_generated_asset(workorder_uuid: text, texture_url: text, account_id: byte_array, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array)
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operation give_user_erc721_original(account_id: byte_array, name: text, interface: text, amount: integer, contract_address: byte_array, token_id: integer)
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operation give_user_ft3_token(account_id: byte_array, token_name: text, amount: integer)
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operation give_user_original(account_id: byte_array, name: text, interface: text, amount: integer)
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operation give_user_plot(id: integer, location_x: integer, location_y: integer, plot_width: integer, plot_height: integer, water_type: text, water_quality: decimal, soil_type: text, soil_fertility: decimal, island: text, region: text, owner_id: byte_array, cells: list<cell>)
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operation prepare_user_generated_asset(workorder_uuid: text, name: text, model_url: text, account_id: byte_array, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array)
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operation request_free_trial_at(request: free_trial_request, timestamp: integer)
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